英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 14:17:11

fix on

英 [fiks ɔn]

美 [fɪks ɑn]

固定; 确定; 决定; 选定; 注视
  • 网络解释

1. 注视;把(感情)集中于:Englishman n. 英国人;英国男人 | fix on 注视;把(感情)集中于 | admiration n. 羡慕,钦佩;赞赏

2. 确定:fix attention on 集中注意力于 | fix on 确定 | fix up 安排

3. fix on的反义词

3. 注视:play tr-icks on 戏弄 | fix on 注视 | impress on 留下印象

4. 注视,凝视:7. come up to 朝.....走过来 | 8. fix on 注视,凝视 | 9. keep one's eyes on 注视,盯着看

Runs the Address Fix on a specified migrated mail file for instance, load convert -w mail \ chair.nsf.(在某一指定的已迁移文件上运行AddressFix,例如loadconvert-wmail\chair.nsf。)
The job planning in a manufacturing workshop is to fix on the machining sequence, the starting time and finishing time for each part.(制造车间作业计划就是确定工件的加工顺序,确定机器加工每个工件的开始时间和完成时间。)
He tried to get a fix on the young man's motives, but he just couldn't understand him.(他努力了解这个年轻人的动机,但就是弄不清楚。)
As long as the night was clear you could measure the distance from certain known stars to the northern or southern horizon and get an accurate fix on your latitude.(只要夜空明朗,你可以测量出从某颗已知的星星到北方或者南方的水平线并在纬度上得到准确的方位。)
It's been hard to get a steady fix on what's going on.(一直很难对正在发生的事情有一个清楚可靠的了解。)
They managed to get a fix on the yacht's position.(他们设法确定了快艇的方位。)
We don't really have a good fix on the concept.(我们不能有个很好的确定的定义。)
The examine is then directed to fix on the examiner's right eye.(接着就叫被检查人注视检查人的右眼。)
The essential of Railway Intelligent Transportation System(RITS) is to fix on the mapping relationship between logical architecture and physical architecture.(铁路智能运输系统(RITS)结构设计的实质就是确定RITS由逻辑框架到物理框架的映射关系。)
She had no such object for her lingering thoughts to fix on.(她没有这类对象勾起缠绵悱恻的思绪。)
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